2023-08-25 10:28

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NHS Land And Property Sell-Off Explained In Ten Minutes

Last year, we reported that during the General Election when speaking to Andrew Neil, Theresa May made it clear that she is backing the Naylor Report on the future of the NHS and will implement it in full.

Shockingly, the media have totally ignored this report and its recommendations to asset strip the NHS by forcing all NHS Trusts to sell off their buildings as soon as possible. There will even be a 'buy one hospital building - get one free!' offer made to private investors and supported to the tune of £10 billion by the government!

Watch this ten minute video which explains via a conversation between two NHS hospital doctors, just what the Naylor Report is all about - the sale of all NHS land and property to private companies:

Source: The Great NHS Heist

See also: Theresa May Admits To Andrew Neil She Will Asset Strip The NHS


Pic: Bak to News icon link

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